Entities who initially purchase fuel cards used for cashless supplying of fuel to companies do not buy and resell fuel, but they provide a financial service involving crediting the purchase of this fuel. Therefore, they are not subject to VAT, and their users do not have the right to deduct...
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Training day at our Wrocław office Recently selected staff at getsix® Wrocław attended training sessions led by the organiser Magdalena Guillet from Human Partner. This training was focusing on the following areas: “Improving the development of your direct reports – how to effectively build commitment” “Delegating tasks and employee feedback”...
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These new requirements will essentially provide certain conditions that must be met in order for a withholding tax reduction or exemption to apply in relation to payments to non-residents under tax treaties or other special regulations. This means that if the conditions are not met, then standard domestic rates must...
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The 1st May, 2019 is the effective date of Act of 15th March, 2019 amending the Tax on Goods and Services Act and of the Trade Metrology Act (Journal of Laws [Dz. U.] of 2019, Item 675), i.e. the so-called On-Line Cash Registers Act. The new generation of cash registers...
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getsix® would like to introduce our new local community partnership, the Monster sailing team of Waldemar Biały (Skipper), Kamila Kubas and Wojciech Kubas (both Crew) who were getting in needed practice and training for the upcoming 2019 Polish and Silesia Championships. Last weekend their trainers and mentors Grzegorz Biały and...
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Recently Mr Claus Frank, our Managing Partner, was interviewed by the prestigious publication ‘Kapitał POLSKI’ regarding EUROPA FORUM, of which he is the President. This magazine is distributed together with one of the largest opinion-forming and business dailies in Poland – “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, dealing in economic and local government...
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We are driven by excellent people Congratulations to Karolina Becker for achieving 5 years of excellent service with getsix® Wrocław office. Last Friday Karolina celebrated 5 years of service, so with pleasure the getsix® Wrocław partners Monika Martynkiewicz-Frank and Claus Frank, presented our special getsix® basket to say a big...
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Having recently developed and receiving certification from Microsoft for our HR & Payroll modules for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017, getsix Services has now been officially added to the Microsoft Marketplace. This is a great opportunity and further confirms Microsoft’s confidence in the getsix Services offering. These HR & Payroll modules...
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amavat® partnered setup.pl at the eCommerce EXPO in Kraków last week, with over 4000 participants, this conference was the largest event for online sellers in Central Europe. During this event Joasia and Danuta were kept very busy, with many visitors to our stand to discuss how amavat® could help them...
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Last week HLB Poland, the Polish alliance of HLB International member firms, were honoured at the ‘Rzeczpopspolita & Parkiet’ gala in Warsaw with a 9th place for ‘Best Audit Firms’ in Poland for 2018. HLB Poland was represented by Ms Aleksandra Motławska from HLB M2 and Mr Ortwin-Uwe Jentsch from...
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