Implementation of a financial and accounting system

/ Technology for accounting

Implementation of a combined financial and accounting system

Customers have various options for working with getsix Group in the field of accounting services, depending on their needs and legal requirements.

If a company does not have its own financial and accounting system or feels the need to change it. We propose as one of the solutions available at getsix the implementation of the ERP accounting module Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Microsoft Dynamics NAV). For many companies, this is a very effective solution, especially for companies planning further growth on international markets. It enables cost and revenue analysis and customised reporting, for example, revenue generated per person or by the dedicated office. Another important advantage of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central solution is that it is possible to further expand the system according to the growth and needs of the company.

Of course, if the customer has a preference as to the system on which he would like to keep his accounts, we are able to adapt to this choice.

Benefits of using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Accounting Module in connection with getsix accounting.

  • time and cost savings by limiting the amount of manually booked accounting vouchers into the system.
  • After termination of the contract, company data and documents remain in your accounting system, and you can hand over the bookkeeping to another company.
  • Easy consolidation with your group system if it is also running on Microsoft System.

Data analysis

Implementation of the ERP system Accounting Module Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (formerly known as Microsoft Dynamics NAV)

ERP system implementation - Microsoft Business Central

Implementing an ERP system is a complex process that requires a lot of work and resources. Therefore, it is advisable to start with the accounting module, which enables automation of basic financial and billing processes. In addition, the accounting module is easier to implement compared to other modules, and its implementation enables you to meet legal requirements and provides easy access to financial information for faster and more accurate business decisions.

What does the implementation of the accounting module in Microsoft Business Central enable?

The accounting module in Microsoft Business Central allows you to keep full accounting records, including income and expense ledger, VAT register, settlements with suppliers and customers, and generation of financial reports. As a result, small and medium-sized service companies gain full control over their finances and accounting processes become more transparent and efficient.

Once the accounting module has been implemented, the company has the option to expand the system with further modules, depending on its needs and financial capabilities. Microsoft Business Central offers many thematic modules, such as management of sales, warehouse, production, project or service, which allows for comprehensive control of the company's activities.

Implementing Microsoft Business Central in a phased manner - starting with the accounting module - is a favourable solution for small and medium-sized companies that are just beginning their adventure with ERP software. This allows the system to be gradually adapted to the needs of the company and avoids unnecessary costs resulting from the implementation of a complex system in one step.

Basic features of the accounting module in Microsoft Business Central

Here is a list of the basic functions and capabilities of the accounting module in Microsoft Business Central:

  1. Accounting of financial operations - the accounting module allows you to keep full records of financial operations, including deposits, disbursements, invoices and other accounting documents.
  2. Bank account management - the module allows you to manage bank accounts, including cash in accounts, deposits and withdrawals, and balances.
  3. Invoicing - the accounting module enables you to issue invoices and to print them.
  4. VAT settlements - the accounting module offers the possibility of settling VAT and keeping VAT records.
  5. Counterparty management - the module enables the maintenance of a database of counterparties, including their addresses, contact data and transaction history.
  6. Settlements with counterparties - the accounting module enables keeping records of settlements with counterparties, including payments and liabilities.
  7. Generation of financial reports - the accounting module enables the generation of financial reports such as the balance sheet, profit and loss account or cash flow.
  8. Automation of accounting processes - the accounting module in Microsoft Business Central offers many tools to automate accounting processes, such as automatic posting of documents or settlement of transactions.
  9. Integration with other modules - the accounting module is fully integrated with other modules in Microsoft Business Central, enabling full control of the company's finances in one system.

Our IT Solutions Expert


Sebastian Możejko
Head of IT Department / Senior IT Manager
IT Solutions Department

Benefits of implementing an ERP system starting with the accounting module

Implementing an ERP system, starting with the accounting module, brings a number of benefits to the organisation:

  1. Consolidated and structured accounting:
    The ERP system enables central management of financial aspects, providing full control over general accounting, bookkeeping, tax settlements, payment management, and cost control.
  2. Automation of accounting processes:
    With an ERP system, an organisation can automate the generation of invoices, settlement of payments, creation of financial reports, and other accounting processes. This leads to time savings and reduction of errors.
  3. Simplification of financial reporting and analysis:
    The ERP system enables the generation of a variety of real-time financial reports, making it easier to monitor the financial health of the company and to make profound business decisions.
  4. Integrated data management:
    The ERP system integrates financial data with other modules such as warehouse management, sales, purchasing, etc. This enables better management of resources and a full integration of business processes.
  5. Increased operational efficiency:
    By optimising accounting processes, the ERP system contributes to the increase of the organisation's operational efficiency, saving time and resources and minimising the risk of errors.
  6. Improved control and compliance:
    The ERP system enables close monitoring of financial transactions, auditing of activities, and ensuring compliance with rules and regulations, which is important for the organisation.

Introducing an ERP system with an accounting module frees these benefits, positively impacting the organisation's efficiency, accuracy, and financial control.

Polish version of the accounting module for Microsoft Business Central

In addition, the Polish version of the accounting module called (Polish Localization) is retrofitted with comprehensive solutions, specific to Polish legal and accounting requirements, which extend the standard functionality of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with additional capabilities and tools. It adapts the system to the requirements of Polish accounting and legal regulations.

The Polish version of the accounting module offers a number of functional extensions enabling, among others,

  • Conduction of sales of goods and services and issuance of the required invoices,
  • Calculation of VAT payments and preparation of VAT returns,
  • Reporting of the flow of goods and services according to Intrastat requirements,
  • Preparation of Standard Audit Files,
  • Verification of contractors on the list of VAT taxpayers,
  • Compliance with the Polish Classification of Goods and Services (PKWiU),
  • Application of the compulsory split payment mechanism in VAT.
  • Support in communication with the National e-Invoice System in Business Central (Electronic Invoices) – currently in preparation.

Thanks to the Polish version of the accounting module (Polish Localization), Polish companies using Dynamics 365 Business Central are able to meet the requirements of Polish law and accounting, while retaining the full functionality of the system. This application enables the integration of various system modules and allows full control over business processes, starting from sales and finance up to warehouse and production.

What is Microsoft Business Central (formerly Microsoft Dynamics NAV)?

Microsoft Business Central is an end-to-end ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software solution that allows you to manage key areas of your business such as finance, warehouse, production, sales, or service. It is a cloud-based solution that allows access to data and functionalities from any location and device.

Thanks to its integrated modules and process automation, Microsoft Business Central makes it possible to increase the efficiency of a company's operation, reduces operating costs and improves the quality and speed of decision-making. With the ability to integrate with other tools and applications, Microsoft Business Central allows a tailoring to any specific business needs.

Microsoft Business Central is designed for companies of all sizes and industries, its simplicity of use and flexibility means that it can be used by both small companies and large enterprises of complex organisational structures.


I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks again for the very good cooperation, the quick compilation and processing of the data and the support for the shareholders' meeting. I do hope that we can meet again in person at the latest when we discuss the next deal.

Elisabeth Neumann , I.G. Pflanzenzucht GmbH
Authorised representative, Finance director


Last update : 12.06.2023

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