Representing clients towards the tax authorities

/ Tax Processing Services

getsix® support you in dealing with the tax proceedings

If getsix® cannot actually represent you, we will lean on our ‘Competence Network’ to make sure you are provided with representation and assistance within the scope of tax and fiscal proceedings and proceeding before administrative courts, as well as defense in penal-fiscal proceedings.

Our professional knowledge and experience within our team enable getsix® to use legal instruments of protection of the interests of the taxpayers in the most effective way.

Services executed by getsix® cover issues connected with all the disputes with the tax or fiscal authorities and before administrative courts regarding all the taxes present in Poland, including personal income tax (PIT), corporate income tax (CIT), value added tax (VAT), tax on civil law transactions (PCC), local tax, excise duties and customs.

Polish tax and fiscal law are subject to continuous changes. Taxpayers often fail to keep up with the latest amendments. This, in connection with indistinct regulations, resulting in high risk of non-compliance of the taxpayers actions with the requirements of the tax law. It also means that the tax authorities are often allowed to seek additional income for the State Treasury. In practice, there are often situations, where vague tax regulations are construed by the tax authorities to a taxpayer’s disadvantage.

getsix® offer professional support in helping your company access all the available instruments aiming at defending the interests of the taxpayer in disputes with the tax authorities in wide range of situations.

getsix® can assist in:

  • Representation of taxpayers in disputes with tax authorities and before administrative courts;
  • Defending of the taxpayer’s interests;
  • The route of gaining binding tax rulings issued by the Minister of Finance or in tax overpayment refund proceedings.


I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks again for the very good cooperation, the quick compilation and processing of the data and the support for the shareholders' meeting. I do hope that we can meet again in person at the latest when we discuss the next deal.

Elisabeth Neumann , I.G. Pflanzenzucht GmbH
Authorised representative, Finance director


Last updated: 28.07.2021

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