We are pleased to announce to you that our employee, Sebastian Możejko (Manager of the IT Dept.), has successfully passed the exam: Configuring & Deploying a Private Cloud with System Centre 2012. With the expansion of his knowledge, Sebastian further enriched his experience on: Design and implementation of System Centre;...
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e-Service ‘Mobile Reporting for iPhone & iPad’ – FACT SHEET getsix® provides for our clients e-Service solutions to afford them more time for focusing on their core business. If you are a getsix® client using either of our services for Accounting & Payroll, and/or Business Services or Consulting, we would...
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It is our pleasure to inform you that at the end of September we completed (for the years 2007-2013) the implementation of a project supported by The European regional Development Fund, under The Innovation Economy Operational Programme. These EU grants were for implementing a B2B data exchange system, in order...
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We are pleased to advise you that on the 17th and 18th October, we had the pleasure to participate in the fair ‘Outsourcing EXPO’, Warsaw. These trade shows give getsix® the opportunity to establish many new, interesting contacts. To all our current and future customers we would like to thank...
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On Wednesday, 16th October at 6pmThe Polish Products German Economic Circle held its annual forum. This year’s meeting was held under the theme “Economy meets with tourism” and it was a briefing of regional tourist organisations from Germany. There were representatives of economic and from cities of Greater Poland and...
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The structure of operational programs for the years 2014-2020, an analysis of needs for Poland’s development, objectives and priorities in territorial analyses, together with basic indicators, are only some of the topics presented to the Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) in the draft partnership agreement. The agreement responds directly to...
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How did Great Britain (GB) use the Cohesion Policy implemented in the Visegard Group (VG) countries? GB is one of the 15 countries, which get measurable benefits from the policies implementation in Poland, the Czech Rep, Slovakia and Hungary.
Which EU-15 countries benefit from the Cohesion Policy implemented in the Visegrad Group (V4) countries? A commission by Polish Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) conducted an analysis and the research shows, that benefits resulting from an increase in exports from the EU-15 countries to the V4 countries, significantly reduce the...
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EU’s revised TEN-T plan puts two corridors through Poland. Two transport corridors forming part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) are to pass through Poland, the European Commission announced in October. Poland can expect to receive at least €4.3 billion as part of the EU’s new plans, which envisage nine...
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At the meeting of the Technical Committee of the Polish parliament control systems on 09 October, 2013, the draft law amending the law on income tax has been verified (PIT) and corporate income tax (CIT). The original bill proposed that Polish limited partnership and limited partnerships are to be affected...
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