More about the tag: Poland

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Obligation to pay in VAT when performing continuous services

Date07 Aug 2014
In general, continuous services are considered as performed on the lapse of the period to which payments or clearings will apply. The notice of ‘continuous services’ is not defined in VAT regulations. In practice, however, it is assumed that they are services performed constantly, for a longer period of time.

Limiting the potential for tax avoidance

Date04 Aug 2014
On the 26th June parliament voted for an amendment to the regulation of taxation for foreign subsidiaries of Polish natural and legal people, which serves the purpose of limiting the potential for tax avoidance. These foreign subsidiaries must pay 19% income tax to the Polish Treasury, if the mother enterprise...
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getsix® Mobile Extranet Landing Page

Date30 Jul 2014
getsix® realises the importance to constantly enhance our services or information to our clients, via our website or on marketing materials. This is why we have created a ‘new’ Mobile Extranet Landing Page to complement our existing Fact Sheet. With a new and fresh look, easy to use visuals, we...
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getsix® Mobile Reporting Landing Page

Date30 Jul 2014
getsix® realises the importance to constantly enhance our services or information to our clients, via our website or on marketing materials. This is why we have created a ‘new’ Mobile Reporting Landing Page to complement our existing Fact Sheet. With a new and fresh look, easy to use visuals, we...
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