Employment Tax settlement

/ Tax Services in Poland

Employment tax and social security

getsix® offer our assistance in solving problems related to personal income tax (PIT) or employment tax from the point of view of an individual taxpayer, as well as the employer acting as the tax remitter.

Tax obligations for Polish taxpayers

The tax year for all individuals is the calendar year. During the year, income tax payers are obliged to make tax advance payments before the 20th day in the month following the month in which the tax obligation arose or, in some cases, before the 20th day of the month following the quarter in which the tax obligation arose. Individuals who receive any income from abroad are obliged to calculate and pay monthly tax advances themselves. In some cases, for instance in relation to the remuneration of employees, employer is obligated to calculate, deduct and make the monthly advance payments to a competent tax office.

  • The taxpayer is obliged to submit an annual tax return until April 31st of the following year;
  • The taxpayers are also obliged to update all their data and file information about changes to the relevant Polish tax authority.

How getsix® can help?

getsix® services cover the following issues:

  • Determining residency;
  • Optimising tax and social security burdens related to staff and management remuneration;
  • Advice as regards international assignments of employees and expatriate employment;
  • Optimisation of tax burden of foreigners working in Poland;
  • Consulting related to defining residence for tax purposes;
  • Preparation of personal income tax returns for both tax residents and non-residents, as well as all necessary documents related to working or conducting other activities in Poland (e.g. registration for tax purposes);
  • PIT and social security reviews for tax remitters.

Determining residency

The place of tax residence determines the tax liability. Persons having their tax residence in Poland pay tax on their overall – worldwide – income (unlimited tax liability). Persons not having their place of tax residence in Poland pay tax only on income sourced in Poland (limited tax liability), i.e. in general:

  • Employment or freelance activity exercised in Poland;
  • Business activity conducted in Poland;
  • Property and other sources of income located in Poland;
  • The place and scope of taxation, as well as tax rates and other significant details are determined in accordance with the Polish regulations together with relevant bilateral double tax treaties and other international agreements.

Pursuant to the Polish tax provisions a resident is a person:

  • Whose centre of personal or economic interests is located within Poland, or
  • who stays in Poland for more than 183 days in a year.

Determining your tax residence is therefore crucial for correct fulfilment of tax obligations and it is a first stage of getsix® tax advisory services in Poland. Due to the fact that various factors can influence the status of a foreigner in Poland, getsix®

Tax services for expatriates in Poland

getsix® are experienced in employer advisory in the field of tax and social security issues concerning employees – both from an international and domestic law perspective.

For many years now getsix® have been offering our clients the following employment-related tax advisory services:

  • On-going tax advisory on employee benefits as well as Social Insurance Company (ZUS) and Personal Income Tax (PIT) obligations;
  • Non-pay employee benefits taxation advisory, including employee motivational programmes, such as stock option plan;
  • Developing, implementing employee and managerial pay structures advisory;
  • International and domestic law-based employee delegation structure planning advisory;
  • Handling tax settlements of employees delegated to/from Poland – if necessary, we cooperate with tax offices abroad to prepare foreign tax settlements.

Tax settlements and filling tax returns

The preparation, along with the filling of employee and corporate tax returnsit is part of the core businesses undertaken by our HR & Payroll department.

Social security settlements and filling relevant declarations

Polish social security regulations, together with European Union law or international treaties resolutions, determine cases when a foreigner is obliged to pay social security contributions in Poland.

Your status shall be determined based on information from the residency and income source test and in accordance with the Polish and international regulations. As a result, you will receive information whether you are subject to obligatory social security in Poland, what the scope of your obligations are and how to act in relation to them.

The preparation, along with the filling of employee and corporate social security declarations is also one of the core services undertaken by our HR & Payroll department.


I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks again for the very good cooperation, the quick compilation and processing of the data and the support for the shareholders' meeting. I do hope that we can meet again in person at the latest when we discuss the next deal.

Elisabeth Neumann , I.G. Pflanzenzucht GmbH
Authorised representative, Finance director


Last updated: 07.03.2025

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