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Second edition of the “Business in Germany” project

Date23 Apr 2015
getsix® Group became a partner of the second edition of the “Business in Germany” project. The aim of this project is to identify five promising Polish start-ups and facilitate the exchange of knowledge, making contacts and gaining know-how, as a result of which their solutions can be implemented on the...
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Best company for a family business

Date07 Aug 2014
Many undertakings conducting activity in our country, are family undertakings. Such a business may also be conducted in a company. The law does not provide for any special limitations or requirements for companies comprised of family members. They may choose between a civil-law partnership and commercial companies (partnerships/companies). Partnerships include:...
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Poland has managed to maintain its position as a top investment location in the region of Central and Eastern Europe

Date29 Jul 2014
According to the results of a survey taken by over 1,400 German entrepreneurs investing in 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Poland holds first place in terms of investment attractiveness. Since last year, Poland has managed to maintain the leading position, pushing the Czech Republic to second place for...
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Doing Business in Poland

Date16 Jul 2013
Fast growing economy Poland has pursued a policy of economic liberalization since 1990 and today stands out as a success story among transition economies. Poland is the 6th largest economy in the European Union and one of the fastest growing economies in Central Europe. It is the only member country...
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Administrative Requirements

Date27 May 2013
Legal requirements In order to operate properly, each company must meet a number of legal requirements. This section presents the key issues, which must be taken into consideration while running a business in the territory of Poland as a commercial company. Each commercial company must be registered in the registry...
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Types of Business Entities

Date23 May 2013
According to the Polish legal framework, economic activities may be carried out in many various forms. Below is a presentation of their characteristics. Sole proprietorship (self-employment; individual business entity) For a private individual to be allowed to conduct his or her sole economic activity, he or she must be registered in the...
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Informations about Poland

Date26 Mar 2013
  Introduction Poland, officially Rzeczpospolita Polska is a democratic state in Central Europe. Capital and largest city of the country is Warsaw. Poland is based on its area is the seventh largest country in Europe and is ranked 62 of the world’s largest countries. Geographically, the Polish state is mostly...
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