Accounting, HR, Payroll, Tax & Legal news from Poland

Tax news and information from Poland

Date28 Sep 2017
IBM Report: Global Location trends 2017. Poland is being on the make in FDI Ranking According to the latest IBM Report (2017 Annual Report: Global Trend Locations) Poland soared to 11th place in the ‘Top-ranking destination countries by estimated jobs’ from 17th place last year. Poland has shown increases of...
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EU digital turnover tax – VAT in disguise?

Date26 Sep 2017
The European Union (EU) finance minister recently reviewed a proposal to tax U.S. digital groups’ revenue based on the location of their consumers. Nonetheless, such a turnover tax may transgress EU VAT rules and international treaties. The giants of tech to be taxed This proposed ‘Equalisation Tax’ is aimed at...
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Microsoft Silver Data Analytics certificate – Mr. Stodolny

Date25 Sep 2017
Dear Ladies and Gentleman, getsix® are pleased to announce to you that our employee, Maciej Stodolny (Software Developer), has successfully passed Microsoft Partner – Silver Data Analytics. The end result is a qualified exam certificate being presented to Mr. Stodolny: Microsoft Silver Data Analytics. If you want to know more...
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HLB INTERNATIONAL Eurasia Regional Conference 2017

Date21 Sep 2017
We are pleased to announce Mr Claus Frank (getsix® Partner) is currently attending the ‘HLB INTERNATIONAL Eurasia Regional Conference 2017’ where he will attend conferences in St. Petersburg (20-23 Sept.) and Moscow (24-26 Sept.), Russia. The kind hosts HLB Prime Advice Consulting Group and AO Energy Consulting Group are jointly...
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Portugal has a new VAT return form

Date21 Sep 2017
There will be a new Portuguese VAT Return form, this will reflect the changes on import VAT reporting. Going forward, you can delay the payment of import VAT until your VAT Return is submitted. At this point you can reverse charge your import VAT amounts in the VAT Return, having...
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Invoice processing and cash-flow management

Date20 Sep 2017
getsix® realises that invoice processing and cash-flow management are the lifeblood of any business. But at the same time, it has been generally recognised that manual, paper-based invoice processing has intrinsic problems that can affect your business in critical ways, undermining the efficiency and hampering the flow of information. Outsourced...
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Retail Sales Tax postponed by Poland

Date19 Sep 2017
Poland has postponed the implementation date of the new ‘Retail Sales Tax’ following the challenges of the European Commission (EC). This initiative comprised of a turnover tax levied on established and non-established businesses in Poland. The turnover rate of each company determined the applicable rates, but businesses with a turnover...
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Poland – VAT split payments delayed until April 2018

Date14 Sep 2017
The introduction of anti-VAT Split Payments has been delayed until 1st April, 2018 Poland has announced. The original date had been 1st January, 2018. To explain ‘Split Payments’, this is the payment of the VAT element of a sales invoice into a special, controlled VAT account of the seller. The...
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Poland – An under-the-radar economic star

Date12 Sep 2017
Poland, an under-the-radar economic star that President Trump recently visited, he chose Warsaw, before Berlin, Paris or Brussels, and participated in a meeting to promote regional economic ties in Eastern Europe. Poland is working its way up just as the Asian wonders did, as a manufacturing power, even though this...
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Poland – Record amount of leasing office space

Date07 Sep 2017
Total supply in the nine major markets in Poland at the end of H1 2017 reached almost 9.3 million sqm. Over the first six months, developers completed 300,000 sqm. of office space, with more than 130,000 sqm. being completed in the capital Warsaw. Krakow was the regional city with the...
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Last updated: 13.12.2021

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