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Position of the State Labour Inspectorate on the New Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

Date18 Dec 2023
In the provisions of the regulations of the Minister of Family and Social Policy of 18 October 2023, amending the regulation on occupational safety and health at workstations equipped with screen monitors, specific provisions regarding the financing of corrective glasses or contact lenses for employees were not included. In addition,...
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Challenges in e-commerce accounting for manufacturing companies entering the market

Date15 Dec 2023
E-commerce is a rapidly growing industry where an increasing number of entrepreneurs see opportunities for development and expansion. This also includes manufacturing companies, which are looking for new purchasers, either on their own or in cooperation with online shops. Often, these companies choose to base their product sales on the...
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Minimum income tax from 1 January 2024

Date24 Nov 2023
From 1 January 2024, minimum rules for corporate income tax will come into force in accordance with Article 24ca of the CIT Act. This tax is intended to tighten the tax system and minimise the tendency to shift income from Polish companies to jurisdictions with a favourable tax regime. The...
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Withholding a PESEL number

Date20 Nov 2023
Since 17 November, Polish citizens have the possibility to withhold their PESEL number in the national register. This is intended to prevent the unauthorised use of personal data when taking out loans and to prevent various forms of crime and fraud. Currently, the PESEL number can be secured via the...
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