Dear all, The Partners are writing to announce a number of new role descriptions within the getsix® Group, effective from today’s date. We are particularly pleased to announce these changes due to the guidance and expertise they apply to their departments, and also the loyalty shown, some from the very...
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Dear Sir/Madam, getsix® attended an event (Germany Polish Chamber of Commerce Forum ’10 years of Poland within the EU’) where more than one hundred people joined, with many of the guests representing politics and business. In several of the speeches, managers from industry, along with representatives of local authorities from...
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getsix® Partners and staff would like to warmly welcome Magdalena Wojciechowska (Accountant), we are sure you will further enhance our already great team here at getsix®!
Dear Sir/Madam, getsix® would like to invite you to ‘ITO & BPO GERMANY FORUM 2014’ which will take place at the Melia Berlin Hotel, Berlin, Germany on 1st October, 2014. This will only be a one day event to focus on information and contact exchange among German industry members along...
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Being a valued client of getsix® we would like to point out or direct you to our ‘Customer Log-in’ page. This page will give you access to our excellent getsix® e-Services, where we make available innovation to help your business grow.
getsix® Partners and staff would like to warmly welcome Renata Duda (Junior Accountant), we are sure you will further enhance our already great team here at getsix®!
Dear Sir/Madam, We are pleased to announce that getsix® has received the first stage of our ISO 27001 accreditation, we have been presented with ISO 27001:2005. This process is in two stages to comply with certification guidelines set by TüV Rheinland. getsix® understands the importance of ‘Information Security Management’ for...
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Dear Sir/Madam, As a member of the Polish German Chamber of Commerce (AHK) our Director of Group Marketing Communications received an invitation to participate at the 10th Annual AHK golf tournament at Śląski Klub Golfowy in Siemianowice Śląskie on 19.08.2014. We would like to congratulate Anthony on winning the 1st...
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getsix® would like to thank all of you who were willing to give us your feedback to our survey, and in such great numbers. This important research allows us to listen to what could be improved, or even to hear how great we are! getsix® ISO standards are imperative to...
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We would like to announce getsix’s new additional office. This office in Berlin, Germany will enable us to become better equipped to serve our existing client base and potentially new clients. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) enhances the flexibility of your business or organisation in different ways: BPO services provided by...
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