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getsix® ‘Buchalterek’ has a special wish…

Date20 Dec 2017
Dear Ladies and Gentleman, Happy Christmas! Did you know…….? Christmas in Poland is celebrated slightly differently than in other countries. On the 6th December each year Poland celebrates ‘St. Nicolaus Day’ (Santa Claus Day!) and the 24th December (Christmas Eve dinner). In Poland, Christmas Eve dinner is the most important...
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Tax news and information from Norway

Date19 Dec 2017
Norwegian government proposes super reduced VAT rate In October, 2017, the Norwegian government presented its plans for the 2018 budget declaring an increase of the super reduced rate from 10% to 12%. This super reduced VAT rate applies to cultural services, for example, cinema admission, museum admission and hotel accommodation,...
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Best-Performing Cities in Europe

Date19 Dec 2017
4 cities in Poland are the best performing within the Top 20 in Europe: Gdansk, WROCŁAW, POZNAŃ and Krakow! Best-Performing Cities/Regions 1 Inner London-East, UK 2 Stockholm, Sweden 3 Budapest, Hungary 4 Pomorskie, POLAND (includes Gdańsk) 5 Nord-Vest, Romania 6 Dolnoslaskie, POLAND (includes Wrocław) 7 Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and Oxfordshire, UK...
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EU Tax News | 15.12.2017

Date15 Dec 2017
Weaponising VAT in 2018! Brexit VAT fraud. Austerity restrictions. Arab states panic on VAT. Global tax wars. Brexit – Are you getting ready for Armageddon? The impending trading model for post-UK Brexit looks as uncertain as on the date of the 23rd June, 2016 referendum. Certainly, with the membership of...
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EU VAT News | 14.12.2017

Date14 Dec 2017
EC provides insight on important reforms of EU VAT The European Commission (EC) has circulated information on a new set of reforms to the current EU VAT framework, with the aim of tackling tax evasion and decreasing friction for businesses that trade cross Currently, the VAT system was designed and...
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Portugal – Flash Tax Information

Date14 Dec 2017
Conceito our Portuguese amavat® Partner Firm has supplied a ‘Country-by-Country Report (identification of the reporting entity): Ministerial Order No. 367/2017, of 11th December – Approves the Model 54 and its filing instructions. Click here or below for English or Portuguese version: amavat® provides a one-stop-shop solution for VAT Compliance within...
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UK Tax News | 12.12.2017

Date12 Dec 2017
The BCC calls for tax cuts Ahead of the British Chancellor’s Autumn Budget in November, the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has urged the UK Government to take immediate action to rule out an expected 3.9% increase to business rates (commercial property tax). With 75,000 companies represented by the BCC,...
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Poland Economy – Q3 2017

Date11 Dec 2017
Poland’s economy grew by a stunning 4.9% in Q3 2017 – much faster than any analysts predicted, this follows 4.0% in Q2 and 4.1% in Q1. British Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC) members are reporting that business is very good, but staff retention is becoming more challenging. getsix® as a...
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Portugal’s ‘Tax Calendar’ for December 2017

Date08 Dec 2017
Conceito our Portuguese amavat® Partner Firm has put together an English document with generic* information regarding Portugal’s ‘Tax Calendar’ for December 2017. (also available in Portuguese below) Click here for English version | Click here for Portuguese version *might not be applicable to your organisation amavat® provides a one-stop-shop solution...
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