More about the category: HR & Payroll in Poland

Social security for sickness and maternity

Date18 Apr 2024
Persons who are obligatorily insured for sickness and maternity are mainly employees. Persons covered by obligatory pension and disability pensions insurance, who, inter alia: work on the basis of an agency agreement or contract of mandate, carry out non-agricultural activity can also be insured, voluntarily, for sickness and maternity. The...
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Changes in Polish labour law 2024

Date10 Jan 2024
Minimum wage Download » The minimum wage will increase twice in 2024. From 1 January 2024, the minimum wage will be PLN 4,242 gross followed by a second increase to PLN 4,300 gross at the beginning of July. The minimum hourly rate will increase accordingly, from 1st of January it...
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Position of the State Labour Inspectorate on the New Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

Date18 Dec 2023
In the provisions of the regulations of the Minister of Family and Social Policy of 18 October 2023, amending the regulation on occupational safety and health at workstations equipped with screen monitors, specific provisions regarding the financing of corrective glasses or contact lenses for employees were not included. In addition,...
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