The real estate tax rates for the year 2017 have remained virtually unchanged, compared to the tax provisions of 2016. The upper limit, at the discretion of the respective municipality or town, whether or not they are exhausted, are as follows for this year:
This year, vehicle owners will have to pay less for motor vehicle tax for commercial vehicles. The decline is particularly noticeable in heavy commercial vehicles.
The PiS government has introduced a new fiscal instrument to combat tax fraud, with the registration termination starting in 2017. The payment of a security deposit for the declaration of a company subject to VAT is due from those companies which are at risk of not fulfilling their tax obligations....
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According to estimates by taxpayers, the tax gap in VAT is the difference between taxable contributions and those that the treasury actually received. This difference has grown to at least 50 billion Złoty in 2015.
The statutory minimum wage was increased for the year 2017 from 1,850.00 PLN to 2,000.00 PLN (around 465 EUR). The minimum wage regulation applies to full-time employees.
Initially, the national-conservative PiS Government wanted to introduce a special tax for trading already in March. Faced with massive criticism from retailers and the doubts expressed by the European Commission regarding the first draft, the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers now accepts the revised draft of the law...
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New rules for making adjustments to costs as of 1st January, 2016. Correction invoices will be processed on an ongoing basis without the need to do this retrospectively. The new regulations apply to adjustments on revenue and expenses arising which are a result of events that change the taxable base....
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Corporate / Income Tax The regulation related to the obligations of the tax deductible expenses which are unpaid, shall be stopped; Depreciation tax shield in connection with the acquisition of new technologies has been removed (previously, an additional deduction of 50% related to the acquisition of new technologies was possible);...
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