The Ministry of Finance has prepared a draft law within the Income Tax Act, the Corporation Tax Act and the Business Activities Freedom Act. The amendment advises that payments that are not processed through the bank account of the business operator, are to be excluded from the deductible operating expenses.
New rules for making adjustments to costs as of 1st January, 2016. Correction invoices will be processed on an ongoing basis without the need to do this retrospectively. The new regulations apply to adjustments on revenue and expenses arising which are a result of events that change the taxable base....
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Act of 15th May 2015 – Restructuring Law The Act regulates the conclusion of an arrangement by an insolvent or threatened by insolvency debtor with creditors, the effects of the arrangement and of the restructuring actions.
Solutions provided in the Act on Supporting Alternative Dispute Resolution. As of 1 January 2016 an act came into force on support for alternative methods of dispute resolution, drawn up by the Ministry of Economy in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice.
In business, it is common practice for a firm to pass on the costs, it has incurred (on its own behalf) to another firm that makes use of a specific service in practice. This situation, commonly mentioned to as re-invoicing, can be applied in cases where the parties have another...
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If a property, which is erected with the buildings for wind turbines (the foundations, masts, street and square paving, outer wall, fencing, pipelines), is owned by farmers, and this land was leased for 25 years by the wind farms developers, the parties that pay tax on the land are the...
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From 1st January, 2016, certain type’s severance pay and compensation connected to non-complete clauses will be subject to tax. Amendments to the Act on Personal Income Tax (PIT): 70% tax on compensation Tax will be subject to, amongst others, compensation awarded on the basis of regulations concerning non-complete clauses will...
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The social benefits for employees on the occasions of Christmas and Easter can either be funded by the Company Social Benefit Fund (ZFŚS) or from the company’s current assets. The tax consequences of such actions, both for the employer and the employees that receive such benefits, will depend on which...
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Private use of company cars from January 2015 From the start of 2015 the private use of a company car up to and including an engine size of 1,600cc (cylinder capacity) will be taxed on the basis of a assumed cash benefit of 250.00 PLN. The tax rate will be...
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For the repayment of tax liabilities owed by companies, tax authorities have the right to demand money from taxpayer’s business partners who have liabilities due to deliveries, works and services. This allows Article 89 of the code on administrative enforcement proceedings. In such cases additional obligations are imposed on taxpayer’s...
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