More about the tag: Labour Law in Poland

This is a page for the tag Labour Law in Poland

Amendment to the Minimum Wage Act

Date11 Sep 2023
We would like to draw your attention to a significant amendment to the Act of October 10, 2002, concerning the minimum wage, which was introduced under the Act of July 28, 2023, amending the Act on bridging pensions and certain other laws (Journal of Laws item 1667). Under this act,...
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Increase of protection for employees under special protection

Date06 Sep 2023
As of September 22, 2023, changes will come into effect that concern the enhancement of protection for employees under special protection. The following individuals will gain greater protection from dismissal with notice or immediate termination: pregnant women, parents on maternity, parental, paternal, or caregiving leaves, pre-retirement age employees, trade union...
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Social security and remote work from abroad

Date08 Aug 2023
On 1st of July 2023 the Polish Social Insurance Institution joined the Framework Agreement on the application of Article 16(1) of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 in cases of ordinary cross-border telework. The main change from the perspective of the practice of labour law in Poland is the possibility to determine...
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Amendments to the Polish Labour Code

Date24 Apr 2023
As of 26 April, 2023, the provisions of the Act of 9 March 2023 amending the Labour Code Act and certain other acts come into force, implementing two important EU directives: on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union; on work-life balance for parents and caregivers as well...
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Additional two days off for blood donors

Date17 Apr 2023
We would like to inform you that two days off for blood donors are being permanently introduced into the legal system. This change in the Public Blood Service Act will certainly please donors. According to the new wording of Article 9(1)(1), merited honorary blood donors of both sexes are entitled...
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Changes to employee sobriety tests

Date13 Mar 2023
We present the most important legal changes regarding employee sobriety checks. Possibility to introduce employee sobriety checks An employer may introduce sobriety checks for employees if it is necessary to ensure: the protection of the life and health of employees or other persons, the protection of property. Sobriety testing An...
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