We would like to announce getsix’s new additional office. This office in Berlin, Germany will enable us to become better equipped to serve our existing client base and potentially new clients. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) enhances the flexibility of your business or organisation in different ways: BPO services provided by...
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First reading of a governmental bill to amend Corporate Income Tax law passed the Polish parliament on the 7th May, 2014. One of the most relevant amendments affects shareholders debt financing with a new approach to restrict deductibility of interests. So far it is clear that the new law will...
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Commercial companies, as they register in the KRS (National Court Register – Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy), or as they notify changes, need to remember to appropriately pay for their application. From 30th May, 2014 registering changes with KRS is now cheaper by PLN 150.
Many undertakings conducting activity in our country, are family undertakings. Such a business may also be conducted in a company. The law does not provide for any special limitations or requirements for companies comprised of family members. They may choose between a civil-law partnership and commercial companies (partnerships/companies). Partnerships include:...
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The scope of obligations of the employer as regards occupational health and safety is subject to a ‘seasonal’ increase during the Winter and the Summer months. Climatic conditions connected with those two seasons obligate the employer to undertake additional activities, protecting employees from the negative impact of Winter or Summer...
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In order to determine exchange differences on a foreign currency account, the inflow and outflow of foreign currency needs to be valued. As a rule, for the purposes of this valuation, the actually applied exchange rate is used, and if it is not possible to use that rate, the average...
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The receipt, before goods are supplied or a service is fully performed, of the whole or part of the payment (among others – a payment on account, an advance payment, a deposit or an installment), generally results in the obligation to pay arising on the moment of its receipt with...
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In general, continuous services are considered as performed on the lapse of the period to which payments or clearings will apply. The notice of ‘continuous services’ is not defined in VAT regulations. In practice, however, it is assumed that they are services performed constantly, for a longer period of time.
A corrective invoice must be, as a rule, be issued by the taxpayer in cases where, after the invoice had been issued, a discount or a rebate was granted, goods were returned, the payment was refunded in whole or in part, the price was increased or if a mistake was...
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On the 26th June parliament voted for an amendment to the regulation of taxation for foreign subsidiaries of Polish natural and legal people, which serves the purpose of limiting the potential for tax avoidance. These foreign subsidiaries must pay 19% income tax to the Polish Treasury, if the mother enterprise...
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