After the medical care staff, now the customs officers started protest actions against the government. While the medical care staff are mainly concerned with better pay, the customs officers protesting against the planned integration of the customs administration into a united financial management and tax administration.
The industrial production in April with a growth of 6 percent was higher than the result in the corresponding month of the previous year. However, according to the data of the Central Statistical Office GUS, it dropped by 3.1 percent in a monthly comparison. A total of 24 of all...
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The government wants to stop the sale of agricultural land for 5 years The Department of Agriculture has released the draft of the law in the Official Journal BIP that will regulate an agricultural land transaction from 1st May, 2016. It is titled ‘Law on the setting of selling real...
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The national conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS) of Jaroslaw Kaczynski took over the government at a time when the Polish economy is growing steadily. Economists have warned they could ruin this development. After revising its data, including seasonal factors, the statistics authority GUS has reported in early December that...
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The European Commission has in its Autumn forecast, estimated that the economic growth in Poland has increased. While the Commission had estimated in the Spring that the economic growth would be 3.3%, its forecast has been adjusted to 3.5%. For the coming year, Brussels expects economic growth of 3.5%. Poland...
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According to the Central Statistical Office GUS the gross domestic product (GDP) rose by 3.3 percent in the second quarter. At the same rate grew the domestic demand, which was an essential factor in the growth of gross domestic product. Another positive impact was the overall consumption: + 1.9 per...
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Solutions provided in the Act on Supporting Alternative Dispute Resolution. As of 1 January 2016 an act came into force on support for alternative methods of dispute resolution, drawn up by the Ministry of Economy in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice.
In September 2015, the official unemployment rate, for the first time in 7 years, reached the single-digit level of 9.9%. But within this figure, regional differences can be seen. In Lower Silesia unemployment was 9%, the lowest in Poland since 1999.
The getsix® Group like to advise you of developments within the Polish economy, so we are pleased to advise you, that in the first half of 2015, investments from foreign companies within Poland continue to increase announced the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency. If this trend continues through the...
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