Social security for sickness and maternity
Persons who are obligatorily insured for sickness and maternity are mainly employees. Persons covered by obligatory pension and disability pensions insurance, who, inter alia: work on the basis of an agency agreement or contract of mandate, carry out non-agricultural activity can also be insured, voluntarily, for sickness and maternity.
The amount of the sickness contribution is 2.45% of the sum for the basis of contributions. The contribution is covered from the funds of the insured person.
The following benefits are paid under the existing insurance cover in case of sickness and maternity:
Sickness benefit
Sickness benefit / sick pay is granted to the insured person who became sick during the period of sickness insurance. The right to sickness benefit falls due after the expiry of the so-called waiting period. A person who is obligatorily covered by sickness insurance is entitled to sickness benefit after 30 days of continuous sickness insurance. A person who is covered by this insurance, voluntarily, acquires the right to sickness benefit after the period of 90 days of continuous sickness insurance.
The sickness benefit is granted to an insured person in the amount of 80% of the basis of the assessment, and for the period of hospitalization: in the amount of 80% of the benefit basis.
If the inability to work which was caused due to an accident on the way to or from work, at work, started during pregnancy or concerns tissue, cell or organ donors, then the sickness benefit is paid in the amount of 100% of the basis of assessment.
Rehabilitation benefit
The rehabilitation benefit is granted to an insured person who is no longer eligible to receive the sickness benefit, but is still unfit to work and a further rehabilitation or a treatment offers them a chance to resume work again. This benefit is granted for the time period necessary to enable the person concerned to regain the ability to work, but for no longer than a period of 12 months.
Maternity allowance
Maternity allowance is granted to an insured woman who at the time of sickness insurance or at the time of parental leave:
- gave birth to a child,
- adopted a child up to the age of 14 and applied for guardianship to the respective court for its adoption,
- adopted a child up to the age of 7 within the framework of a foster family, with the exception of a professional foster family, and up to the age of 10 in the case of a child with regard to whom a decision on postponement of enrolment in primary school has been taken.
Maternity allowance is paid during maternity leave – for 20 weeks in the case of the birth of one child. In the case of the birth of more than one child between 31-37 weeks.
Parental leave is granted immediately after maternity leave.
Maternity allowance for the period specified in the Labour Code provisions as a period of parental leave is granted for up to:
- 41 weeks – in the case of the birth of one child and for the adoption for upbringing and to apply to the guardianship court for instituting proceedings for adoption or acceptance of upbringing as a foster family with the exception of a professional foster family of one child up to the age of seven, and in the case of a child towards whom it was decided to postpone the compulsory schooling up to the age of ten,
- 42 weeks – in the case of the birth during one delivery of two or more children and in the case of a simultaneous adoption for upbringing of two or more children.
Each insured parent of a child is entitled to an exclusive right of 9 weeks of parental leave in the scope of the above leave entitlement. This right cannot be transferred to the other parent of the child. The insured father of the child is entitled to maternity benefit for the period determined as the period of parental leave on an equal footing with the insured mother of the child. Where both parents benefit at the same time, the total amount of parental leave may not exceed the overall entitlement referred to above.
Attendance allowance
Attendance allowance is granted for the period of a special leave, when it is necessary to take care of a healthy child who is under 8, a sick child who is under 14 or any other sick member of the family.
Attendance allowance is granted for not more than 60 days in a calendar year if a person takes care of a healthy child who is under 8 or a sick child who is under 14. If a person takes care of a sick child who is over 14 or any other sick member of a family, the allowance is granted for not more than 14 days. The allowance is paid in the amount of 80% of the basis of allowance assessment.
If you have any questions regarding this topic or if you are in need for any additional information – please do not hesitate to contact us:

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