Changes in the employment of Russian citizens
The rules regarding the legalisation of employment of citizens of the Russian Federation in Poland have changed. As a result of the entry into force of the Ordinance of the Minister of Family and Social Policy, from 28 October 2022, it is no longer possible to submit applications to obtain declarations in order to start work for the above-mentioned foreigners. The above regulations thus abolish the previous facilitation of access to the labour market for Russian citizens. The indicated foreigners can no longer take up employment based on a statement on entrusting work to a foreigner in the territory of the Republic of Poland. It is necessary to apply for a type A work permit to legalise employment.
Citizens of the Russian Federation who have already obtained a statement of entrustment of work are still entitled to perform work on this basis for the period indicated in the document. If the procedure for entering the declaration in the register of declarations was initiated before the regulations above came into force, the previous provisions will be applied. This means that it will be possible to obtain the document under the previous rules.
The employer may still use the simplified procedure and apply for entering the statement in the cases of citizens of the indicated countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, and Moldova. The declaration is registered in the record of declarations for a maximum period of 24 months. It should be remembered that it is necessary to apply for the statement before the foreigner starts working – only after the statement is obtained can the foreigner start working in Poland.
Source: The article was created in collaboration with our cooperation partner – sdzlegal Schindhelm Law Office
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