Accounting in Poland

/ Our Outsourcing Services for Business in Poland

Accounting Services in Poland

In today’s economic conditions, you need a trusted partner who can provide superior outsourced accounting services, which are guaranteed to be accurate, timely and cost-effective. Your company deserves the same high quality of accounting and finance reporting.

We will be pleased to take over all obligations related to financial accounting in accordance with applicable regulations in Poland.

Our accounting outsourcing services include:

The servicing of our Accounting would comprise of:

  • Day-to-day capture of all your records/documents in our accounting system - bookkeeping;
  • Evaluation and examination of all Accounting records/documents;
  • VAT-settlement in accurate compliance with the Polish law;
  • Income tax-settlements for the company in accurate compliance with the Polish law;
  • Day-to-day support services and advice in questions related to Accounting issues;
  • All activities which are connected with the daily maintenance of your Accounting.

Set-up of the monthly Accounting reports for the company at the legally defined deadlines

Preparation of all tax declarations and - if applicable - statistical reports in compliance with the legal requirements for the respective Polish public authorities.

Formal representation of your single proprietorship vis-a-vis your responsible tax office, tax and legal advisory within the scope of our entitlements and responsibilities.

As an option to support optimisation of your time management: preparation of bank transfers on tax and social security payments.

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Accounting & Finance in Poland

Polish Financial and Accounting System vs. International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS)

It is important to remember that International Accounting Standards (IAS) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have not been fully adopted by the Polish legislator. In Poland the provisions of the Polish Accounting Act are absolutely binding. In the absence of exact regulations, a company should follow the national accounting standards before applying the International Accounting Standards. Due to inter-group settlements between related companies there may be a need to consolidate Polish financial statements with international, German or American (GAAP) accounting standards.

We have practical knowledge and extensive experience in:

  • preparation of annual financial statements for related companies;
  • preparation of HGB II and HGB I consolidation packages for German companies;
  • converting annual reports in line with IAS/IFRS;
  • carrying out financial due diligence analyses.

getsix® offers a reporting and analysis system tailored to your needs.

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As of 1 January 2015, all companies listed on the stock exchanges of the EU member states, thus also on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, have to prepare consolidated financial statements according to IFRS. The Polish Accounting Act also imposed this requirement on all banks.

With its constant readiness for change in the field of accounting getsix® delivers services responding to the changing needs of our customers.

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Let getsix® take the stress out of your daily financial reporting activities, with our full transactional accounting outsourcing services in Poland

  • We handle all of your accounts payable transactions, from processing bills, to reconciling purchase orders to cutting cheques;
  • We manage your accounts receivables to ensure that payments are processed timely and accurately, past due balances are quickly identified, and discrepancies are acted upon;
  • We make sure that all other financial transactions such as payroll, bank deposits, etc., are accounted for accurately and timely;
  • Finally, you have a trusted partner that can ensure all transactions are in accordance with policies, procedures and accounting standards, providing you with business intelligence that pays off in increased profits.

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Select a level of service and specialists that fit your needs

getsix® can provide your company with financial specialists with experience and knowledge in your industry, including: bookkeepers, Certified Public Accountants (CPA), controllers, tax professionals, even Chief Financial Officers (CFO). No matter the size of your business, we can create a customised set of services just for you, all at a lower cost than a full-time accounting staff.

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Our Finance & Accounting Expert


Head of Accounting / Senior Manager
Dep.: Outsourcing Accounting - Group B

getsix® finance & accounting outsourcing best practices streamline and improve your operations

Our standards and practices ensure that your monthly financial report package is both timely and accurate, and regulatory requirements are adhered to.

  • Regular review of your accounting information for compliance based on the needs of your business, including: tax filings; payroll withholding and deposits; and state incorporation requirements, filings and fees;
  • All policies and procedures for your company are documented in a detailed client procedure manual, and all our staff follow the same accounting rules and processes;
  • Reports are available in real time and concurrent with all your needs;
  • You will be assigned a bookkeeper and controller to supervise your account;
  • Books are closed by CPAs and a financial report is issued each and every month.

In summary, getsix® Finance & Accounting services in Poland delivers a proven and cost effective way to free you to concentrate your resources and time on what you do best – growing your business. When you factor in salary, payroll taxes, medical insurance, paid time off, and other benefits for an in-house bookkeeper or accounting department, you can see why accounting outsourcing and financial reporting has become such a cost benefit for small and medium sized businesses.

  • Reports are available in real time and concurrent with all your needs;
  • We host such widely used and popular applications as Microsoft Dynamics NAV;
  • With our state-of-the-art secure Data Centre, your crucial data is always secure;
  • Lose the headaches associated with financial management, never the control;
  • All this for a surprisingly affordable fixed monthly fee.

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getsix® financial solution

getsix® financial accounting solution provides a comprehensive package for the organisations to monitor, manage, deploy and maximise ROI over financial resources. It offers our customers a way to raise the visibility of financial metrics and effectiveness of financial management and accounting throughout their organisation.

getsix® financial solution empowers our customers by providing key information at right time and gain critical insights into organisations performance through various dashboards.


/ Our Publications

Modern Accounting on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central system

Customers have various options for cooperating with getsix® Group on accounting services, depending on their needs and legal requirements. If a company does not have its own financial and accounting system or has the need to change it, as one of the solutions available from getsix®, we suggest implementing the ERP accounting module Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (formerly Microsoft Dynamics NAV).

Our implemented projects

Take a look at our current portfolio of projects that have been completed in collaboration with our clients. Below you will find detailed descriptions and evaluations that cover various aspects of accounting. We pride ourselves on our expertise in the accounting field, so each project has been carefully developed based on the latest industry standards and practices. We hope you will find solutions tailored to your needs and expectations. Please feel free to contact us for more information or to take advantage of our accounting services.

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Our accounting offices providing accounting services in Poland:



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Free e-book on tax and legal regulations

Each year getsix® publishes a brochure compiling current tax and legal issues. We cover the most important changes and topics that shape the immediate business environment and have a direct impact on starting and running a business in Poland. The easy-to-read e-book format systematises and facilitates the access to strategic information from the enterprise's standpoint.

The “Investing in Poland” brochure is addressed to:

  • Entrepreneurs running a business in Poland,
  • Potential investors considering starting a business in Poland.

The e-book "Investing in Poland 2024" ensures excellent decision-making for your business and helps you develop, expand and succeed!

Download e-Book »
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I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks again for the very good cooperation, the quick compilation and processing of the data and the support for the shareholders' meeting. I do hope that we can meet again in person at the latest when we discuss the next deal.

Elisabeth Neumann , I.G. Pflanzenzucht GmbH
Authorised representative, Finance director


Last update : 26.11.2021

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